robots.txt Generator

What is Robots.txt File?

A robots.txt file communicates to the search engine crawlers which URLs they can access and crawl.

The file is placed in the root directory of a website with instructions by the site owner on which page to crawl and which to avoid.

Why is Robots.txt Important?

A robots.txt file is mainly important to manage the crawling and indexing of your website. Besides this, Robots.txt is valuable in the following ways:

  • A robots.txt file prevents search engines from indexing duplicate content, ensuring the search engines only focus on the website's most important pages.
  • You can keep your privacy intact and tell the search engines not to crawl specific pages. This way, it keeps the information private from the public eye.
  • You can maximize your crawl budget by blocking unnecessary pages so Googlebot can spend your crawl budget on the more important pages.
  • You can prevent your essential resources like images, PDFs, or videos from appearing on search results using Robots.txt files.

Robots.txt Directives

A robots.txt file consists of 4 directives:

  • "User-agent" directive - This is the first line of every block that specifies the search engine or the bot to which the instruction applies. For example: User-agent: Googlebot * (An asterisk mark tells all search engines that the rules that follow apply to all search engine bots)
  • "Disallow" directive - This is the second line that specifies which pages not to crawl. For example: Disallow: /private-page/
  • "Allow" directive - As the name says, it tells the bot which pages they can crawl. For example: Allow: /public-page/
  • "Sitemap" directive - It is used to specify the sitemap's location on the website. For example: "Sitemap:"

How to Create Robots.txt?

Here are the steps to create a robots.txt file:

  • Create a new text file using a text editor
  • Add the directives to the Robots.txt file
  • Save the file as "robots.txt" and upload it to the root directory of your website.
  • After uploading, verify if it's working

What is Robots.txt Generator?

A robots.txt generator helps you to create robots.txt files in just a few minutes. All you need to do is carefully add the prompts as per your requirement, and the generator will generate the code for your robots.txt file.

Then, you can simply copy the code and upload it to the root directory of your website.

Why Use Robots.txt Generator Online?

  • Using a robots.txt generator saves you time as the manual process is time-consuming and tedious.
  • Here, the chances of creating a robots.txt with errors are less as the tool has pre-formatted files that make it easy to understand and minimize mistakes.
  • You don't need technical knowledge while using the robots.txt generator. It is convenient for anyone to use; you just need to have the correct prompts in hand.

How to Use Free Robots.txt Generator ?

Here are the steps to use our free robots.txt file generator:

  • Select allow/disallow of all robots on the website.
  • Enter crawl delay in seconds.
  • Add the sitemap of the website.
  • Select allow or disallow for the robots of various search engines.
  • Enter restricted directories.
  • Click on the "Generate robots.txt" button to generate a Txt file for Google, and the generator will auto-download the robots.txt file with the appropriate code.
  • Upload the robots.txt file to the root directory of your website. This can be done using an FTP client or your website's control panel.
  • Verify that the robots.txt file is working properly by visiting '' in a browser.

A robots.txt generator is a helpful tool to generate your file. Any digital marketer, blogger, or SEO expert can create a robot.txt without any hassle.

So, go ahead and try creating a robots.txt file now!