Magento 2 Maintenance Page Extension GraphQL API
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Magento 2 Maintenance Page

Magento 2 Maintenance Page extension allows showing a user-friendly notice to your users during the website is in the maintenance mode.

Key Features:

  • Easily create custom maintenance page in Magento 2.
  • Display a count down timer on the coming soon page.
  • Add an image, video, subscription box etc. to the Magento 2 maintenance mode page.
Magento CE, EE 2.3.x, 2.4.x
In stock
Lifetime License


1. Configuration M2 Maintenance Page
2. Page Layout Settings
3. Page Preview
4. Countdown Timer Settings
5. Logo Settings
6. Background Settings
7. Content Settings
8. Newsletter Settings
9. Social Media Settings
10. Footer Settings
11. Maintenance End Email Settings
12. Google Analytics Tracking Setting
13. Maintenance Page Readymade Template
14. Maintenance Page Custom Template
15. Maintenance End Alert Email to Admin

It's never too late to collect leads!

Sometimes, you want to enable maintenance mode in Magento 2 website for the reasons like, setting up a new theme, configuring a new extension that changes website behavior, upgrading Magento 2 versions, making minor cosmetic tweaks, fixing a security flaw, etc. Simply enabling the maintenance mode shows users a broken website for a period of time. Rather, showing a user-friendly notice, alternative links to visit, showcasing the time frame when the maintenance is over creates a better user experience and positive brand image.

In another scenario, if you have three days or three weeks left to launch your product or business, you can build an audience who is eager for your masterpiece to go live! Here, you want to put your website in an under-construction mode and create hype for the upcoming products and services.

Creating such a buzz is possible with Meetanshi's Magento 2 Maintenance Page Extension for Magento 2 store. It allows the admin to switch their store to maintenance mode or coming soon status.

The Magento 2 Coming Soon Page extension help store owner promote their products or services before they go live and create interest among potential customers. Also, it helps establish an SEO ground for the brand and specific keywords.

The Magento 2 maintenance mode page extension allows adding photos, videos to the maintenance page that attracts viewers to explore them. Adding a countdown clock with the extension help visitors know when the maintenance would be completed and they can revisit your store. Also, adding a subscription box helps grow your subscribers' list and notify them when the website is live again. 

With Maintenance Page Magento 2, not only boost the market talk but also make your social media networking strong by adding social buttons on the customized maintenance mode page!

magento2 maintenance page is excellent

Never thought maintenance page magento 2 can be leveraged up to this extent! Excellent

Review by Merry
magento 2 change maintenance page deserves 5 stars!

magento 2 maintenance mode custom page by Meetanshi is the best example of top notch development as per the Magento coding standards

Review by Siagria
custom maintenance page magento 2 is highly recommended

I read excellent reviews of the product and decided to try my hands on it and these guys never disappointed me! Totally worth the money

Review by Devina
Highly recommended

magento 2 site maintenance extension by Meetanshi is the best among those available in the market

Review by Misael Najera
Excellent extension

While migrating my store for Magento to Magento 2, the extension was a blessing!

Review by Norma
increased engagement on social media

the extension allowed to place social media buttons on the maintenance page which proved a helpful feature to me

Review by Steven
integration with Google analytics was useful

Tracking and analyzing the useful data is a thoughtful feature. Liked it!

Review by Amy
attractive maintenance page

attractive maintenance page with images, sliders and videos was helpful

Review by Donna
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  • 16 May, 2023


    • Compatible with Magento 2.4.6.
  • 19 May, 2022


    • Compatible with Magento 2.4.4 and GraphQL.
  • 15 Apr, 2021


    • Now you can add dynamic URLs to allow even in maintenance mode.
    • Fixed the issue with countdown timer.
  • 29 July, 2020


    • Fixed issue with the timer.
  • 21 October, 2019


    • Compatibility with Magento 2.3.3.


How Meetanshi's Magento 2 Maintenance Page Works?

Features of Magento 2 Maintenance Page Extension

Set Redirection Page from Backend

Select the page you want to redirect the visitor from the backend dropdown menu.

Admin Gets Custom Design Option

Option to choose custom design option to design a custom maintenance page.

Countdown Timer is Available

Enable a countdown timer for the site to switch back to live mode with Magento 2 Custom Maintenance Page.

Custom Message using WYSIWYG

Display a message with custom title and text on the maintenance page using a WYSIWYG editor.

Admin Can Add Subscription Box

Add a subscription box in the Magento 2 custom maintenance mode page to grow your subscribers' list and collect maximum emails from the maintenance page.

Social Media Buttons Provided

Social Media Buttons that can be included are Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest.

  • Magento 2 maintenance mode & coming soon page extension allows switching the store to maintenance mode.
  • Set up whitelist IPs for the convenience of testers or developer team.
  • Set the list of allowed URLs for which you do not want to enable the maintenance mode.
  • Admin can select the page template and layout from the backend dropdown menu using Magento 2 maintenance mode page extension.
  • The backend option to preview the maintenance page.
  • Set the custom title and title color for the countdown timer. 
  • Admin can set the date and time to end the countdown timer and also the option to disable the maintenance mode at this time.
  • Options for the countdown timer style.
  • Option to set the logo with custom dimensions.
  • Add pictures, sliders, or videos in the Magento 2 custom maintenance mode page background to make it attractive.
  • Admin can set a custom title and its color for the subscription button.
  • Social Media Buttons that can be included are Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest.
  • Set custom footer text easily using WYSIWYG editor.
  • Admin can set the option to receive an Email when the Maintenance mode ends before a fixed number of days. Set the Email ID on which the Email is to be sent. Select the Email sender and template.
  • Option to integrate Google Analytics using the tracking ID on the maintenance page to track and analyze the useful data.
  • Avail maximum SEO benefit for the relevant keywords ahead of time.

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