Book Schema Generator
Grab the attention of all the book lovers searching for a book like yours in the search results.
Our free book schema generator tool helps you to create a JSON-LD code for your page without getting too technical.
You simply need to fill in the details, get the code, and update it on the specific page. And your book schema is successfully created and added!
Start this quick process from below.
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What is a Book Schema Generator?
A book schema generator helps writers, publishers, and marketers to create structured data for their book's promotion in a codeless way. The search engines rank the book schema in the featured snippet for the readers to have maximum information in one glance.
How to use our Book Schema Generator?
All you need to do is to follow the mentioned steps.
- Step 1: Fill in the needed details: Name, Birthdate, Deathdate, SameAs URL, About URL, Book Name, Book Language, Book Generation, Author Type, Volume Name, Volume About URL, Volume Author, Volume Number, Volume Language.
- Step 2: Click on Generate Schema to get the JSON-LD code.
- Step 3: Copy the generated book schema, and validate to test it using Schema Markup Validator.
- Step 4: Insert the code into your web page or blog page after validating it.
- Step 5: Verify the Schema by testing the URL using the Google Rich Results test.
What are the benefits of Using Book Schema Markup?
Adding a book schema helps you in two major ways:
- It helps Google and other search engines to understand your content better.
- The result of using this structured data can help your page rank higher on search results and capture maximum traffic.
Don’t let your book go unnoticed by book lovers. Use our book schema generator for free!